Tag Archives: Baby

A Photo Session

It started seriously enough…


But there were some slight complications…


”What are you doing?”


“Mommy, he’s pulling on my dress!”


“What did you say?”


“Mommy, I really don’t understand what he’s trying to say!”


“I’m going to tell you a secret.”




“What do we do now?”


“I’ll tell you what to pray.”


“Hey! It’s not polite for boys to push girls!”


“I’ll give you a kiss anyway, though.”


“Blah. Kisses are for girls!”


“OK. We’ll be serious now!”

Photographing babies can be both a challenge and humorous! And meanwhile, the stuffed elephant was posing too…


A Family Photo

We’ve been looking forward to taking a new family photo this year. And of course, we wanted to have both babies in the picture! Such a special family photo needed a special setting or background. In the Appalachians would be nice, but hiking with babies could pose a challenge and there might be a lack of smiles by the time we arrived at the “perfect” place. A backdrop of Quebec’s brilliant fall colouring would be beautiful too. But unfortunately, the taking of this photo was delayed until autumn’s brilliance was all but gone and the weather was hardly suitable for a photo session. So in the end we chose to do something a little simpler.

Can anyone guess where this was taken? (Shh… to those who already know.)


Precious little ones

Our Sunday afternoons are so much fun with all the little ones around! The R_____ family with their baby and two-year-old are such a wonderful addition to our group.


And of course my own niece and nephew are often around to love! Elizabeth delighted the residents of the GCH when she joined us in August. Thank you Nathanael and Samantha for sharing your photos with us!

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And we finally got a family photo of Nathanel, Samantha and Caleb…




Caleb Isaac Frazer

2014-08-02Born: Friday, August 1, 2014, 8:42 a.m.

Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz

Length: 21 1/2 in

So far, only Daddy and Mommy have seen Caleb in person and that only very briefly as they dropped off some boyish sleepers during non-visiting hours.  A few others will probably drop in for a visit at the hospital, but the rest of us will wait until Nathanael and Samantha bring him home.  We are all eagerly looking forward to meeting our little nephew!

2014-08-02 (1)

Nathanael and Samantha, we are praying for you as you raise up this precious little one to be a hardy soldier of the cross.  May he be as the Caleb of old, a mighty man of faith, devotion, and courage.

Baby coming soon!

Some of our readers have been watching for a particular post to appear…  Lord willing, that should occur in the next few days.  Nathanael and Samantha would covet your prayers as they walk through the coming days of challenge and joy.

We are all eagerly looking forward to meeting this precious little one!

And while on the subject of babies… Congratulations to the R_______ family on the birth of their little son, Samuel!

“Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” Psalm 127:3


Elizabeth Ashley Frazer


Born: Sunday, May 18, 2014, 5:11 p.m.

Weight: 7 lbs 2 oz

Length: 19 1/2 in

Yesterday evening, we all got together to see David and Erica’s baby for the first time. (Well, a few had seen her in the hospital.)


It fills one with awe to witness the miracle of a new human life. Elizabeth was remarkably patient with all the aunts, uncles, grandparents, and great grandparents who wanted to hold her! 🙂

She was certainly well photographed that evening!

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David and Erica, may God bless you abundantly as you embark on this new journey of raising up another generation to His glory. “Elizabeth” means “God’s promise.” May God use this child as a continual reminder that He is faithful to His promise.
