Category Archives: Ministry

Beachburg Chalk Talk Preparations

We have now been blessed with three scheduled chalk talks.  The first, March 28, is at the Beachburg Hall.  The second, March 29, is also in Beachburg, at the Country Haven Retirement Home.  The third, more locally situated, is at Mont Saint Dominique, a Catholic nursing home in Sherbrooke on May 22.  We would appreciate your prayers for every one of them.

Every chalk talk takes a certain amount of preparation.  First (and not necessarily easiest), we must find a day that fits with the already made schedule.  This time, we started by setting up on Friday.  On Monday, we did a practice run using a background that we had previously made, but not used.

Tuesday, the real work started.  We started by preparing our paper for the new backgrounds.  We have found that sanding the bogus paper helps it absorb more chalk.

Sanding the Papers

Clouds are something we have a hard time with, so we were pleasantly surprised when, after much time spent in discussion as to how we could improve, our backgrounds turned out as well as they did.  There is certainly still much room for improvement.

applying white to the blacklight areafinishing the clouds

Tuesday evening, we started work on the three blacklight drawings.  We work from a slide Matthew Bowman made from Captain of my Ship.  (Our version of Captain of my Ship is an adaptation and expansion of that chalk talk.)

It is exciting to see the way the Lord works through every situation of life when we let Him.  While I was working the lights during the last background of the blacklight session, something broke inside our control box.  The dimmer that is supposed to control the main white lights ceased to function.  That is not good.  We decided to put white bulbs in the red sockets and finish the blacklight preparation that way.

Wednesday was the day we had planned for cleanup.  But, before we did the cleanup, we had to check into the problem with the dimmer.  I soon had the faulty dimmer out, and since we are home-schooled, and since the dimmer wasn’t working anyway, we decided to take it apart.  We soon found the problem – the small plastic piece that switches the dimmer on or off had broken right off and had left the dimmer stuck in the “off” position.  So, we switched it on manually, and voilà, the dimmer was once again working as it ought to – well, almost.  The only “problem” was that it no longer clicks off – it only dims off.  (While we had the box open, we also replaced all the solid-core wiring with fibred wiring.)

opening the control boxfixing the dimmerputting it all back together

The Lord’s blessing is present in our lives at all times at all times, but there are times that we have more difficulty in seeing it than others.  In this case, God’s blessing was evidenced in the timing of this event.  This could have happened in a very different way.  It could have happened right before one of the presentations.  But God was gracious to us, and not only gave us the ability to fix it, but also arranged the timing such that we could do something about it.

This also reminds me of how we are sometimes – broken.  Very often, we do something that we shouldn’t have done, and there are consequences.  But God can fix anything.  Our lives may not be as they would have been had we not fallen, but He can nevertheless work all things together for our good, and that is exactly what He wants for us.

We finally did get the cleanup done, and we are now ready (I believe) to pack everything into the trailer.  

Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”

Romans 8:27-28 “And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Conferences, Construction, and Concerts

If idle hands were the devil’s only workshop, we sure wouldn’t be an easy target for him.  This week we have been running the Advanced Seminar in our home, working on construction, making maple syrup, and preparing for concerts and chalk talks.  However Satan also delights in trying those who are busy about the work of the Lord, and thus we would greatly covet your prayers for us during this busy time.

Afternoons from 12:30 to 3:30 are spent listening to the Advanced Seminar at our home with some other families.  This time, as always, the Advanced Seminar has been a time of real spiritual encouragement, uplifting, enlightening, and challenge.  Although this is my third time through, and much of the information is familiar, I am still learning much that I somehow managed to miss previous times through.  I have once more been challenged to trust God more fully in every area of my life, Who alone is in complete control of the universe.  I am certainly looking forward to the remaining sessions. 

Advanced Seminar

Our construction zone persists in being just that as we continue the finishing.  All the wood is on the ceiling, except in the new washroom.  We are now making the crown mouldings.  This requires “ripping” all the boards twice to get the correct angle on both sides, as the ceiling is sloped.  Daddy has done basically all this work, and we who are less meticulously inclined in this area are very grateful for the skill and ability the Lord has given him.

testing the saw before ripping the mouldings unloading more materials

We are also looking forward and preparing for a time at the end of this month (March 28,29) when we will be doing a music/chalk talk programme in Beachburg, Ontario (between Pembroke and Renfrew).  If anyone is interested, please contact either the coordinating family at the phone number listed on the poster, or contact us.  We would definitely appreciate your prayers for us as we prepare for this time.

Beachburg Hall   Country Haven Retirement Home

Two presentations will be held: one at the Beachburg Hall (Click here for a map to find the Beachburg Hall) and the other at Country Haven Retirement Home.  (Click here for a map to find Country Haven Retirement Home.)


2 Samuel 7:28-29

28 And now, O Lord GOD, thou art that God, and thy words be true, and thou hast promised this goodness unto thy servant:

29 Therefore now let it please thee to bless the house of thy servant, that it may continue for ever before thee: for thou, O Lord GOD, hast spoken it: and with thy blessing let the house of thy servant be blessed for ever.

More concerts

Our second night at the Bulwer Community Centre went very well.  The crowd was somewhat smaller, but everyone seemed to enjoy being there.  We hope they were all as blessed as we were.

After I posted last time, one family member pointed out that I had failed to include a picture of the wonderful family who prepared delicious refreshments for us all.

Some of the “kitchen crew”

the sound technician

Our sound technician does behind-the-scenes work, and thus rarely gets photographed.  Someone got a good picture on Saturday, though.

 talking afterwards

Talking afterwards

Sunday afternoon, we and a couple other families who come to our home Bible studies, went to a nursing home to have a little service there with the “Grandmas and Grandpas” as Amy calls them.  We sang Christmas hymns together and Nathanael gave a brief message on the importance of having a heart like that of the wise men–a heart that is sincere, searching the Scriptures; a heart that is transparent; a heart of humility that bows down to worship Christ.  It was such a blessing to be there.  So many of the people there have lived through hard things, but they so reflect the joy of the Lord that it is impossible to go away without having been encouraged.

Bulwer Concert

This Christmas season has been busy for our family, but as there is not time to relate all of our comings and going up until now, I will simply give a report of the most recent concert–one at the Bulwer Community Centre in Cookshire-Eaton yesterday evening.  Getting ready is always the big job.  The day was filled with a dress rehearsal, packing the van, last minute preparations, etc.  The evening went very well.  We both played some music and did a Gospel chalk art presentation.  Afterwards there was a time of fellowship and a wonderful snack the Taylor family had prepared.  The people there really seemed to enjoy the evening.  It is such a delight to be able to share with others that with which God has blessed us.

Everyone playing together

Because chamber music for our instruments at our varying levels of playing is hard to find, we sometimes write our own.  The piece we are playing here is one Jonathan arranged.

The chalk talk

The chalk talk is always the highlight of the evening.

The audience

Everyone was very attentive.

This evening we have another concert at the same location, but this time it will be in French.  We are praying that the Lord would use us to further His Kingdom through His servants whether it be by bringing the Gospel to those who have not heard, or by encouraging those who know the Lord to press on in their walk with Him.  May we be willing instruments, ready for the Master’s use!