What the Frazers are really doing…

Someone remarked recently that it must be nice not to have anything on our calendar… The comment made me realise that most have no idea what is really goes on around here. The few concerts/events that are planned far enough in advance to show up on our events calendar (if anyone thinks and has time to put them there) give the illusion that we aren’t very occupied. But that is far from the case! So for those who are curious as to what the Frazers are really doing… I’m going to make an attempt at writing out an overview of what has happened during the past couple of weeks.

And here it is.

Interestingly, many of the things one would suppose were scheduled ahead of time were actually only planned 24 hours before. And this doesn’t include Daddy’s schedule, doing laundry, making meals, washing dishes, feeding chickens and ducks, collecting eggs, and countless other things…

Still Winter

Though Daddy and Mommy recently attended a conference in North Carolina where, lacking the crystalline beauty that still decorates our outdoors, they strolled around in T-shirts, the temperature here in Quebec remains well below freezing. This has certainly been a cold winter. But there is a beauty that only reveals itself at -20 degrees or colder. And I have not yet seen a photograph that does it justice. I’m glad I live in Canada!

However, despite last night’s -26C, the climatic conditions are slowly changing enough to hint that winter may not last forever! The days are getting longer and the sun’s shining face draws us outdoors.

Anyone want a picnic?


Biblical Bananagrams

One Sunday afternoon activity many of us enjoy is Bananagrams. Sometimes we get creative and invent variations on the game. Yesterday David and Erica came up with the idea of only using Biblical proper nouns. It was certainly a challenge and we felt that using up all but eight troublesome letters was quite an accomplishment.

And we learned a lot of new names.  Hmm… Any good baby names if the Lord should bless with another one? 🙂


And meanwhile, Elizabeth was having fun on the floor.

20150222_ELF_4261 20150222_ELF_4268 DSC_8353DSC_8365Thank you David and Erica for the great idea! DSC_8394

And I couldn’t resist a picture of Caleb from a while ago…


So this is what it is like to be in Daddy’s shoes!

Happy Birthday, Stephen!

A description of Stephen:

  • Hardworking
  • Quick to laugh
  • Always willing to lend a hand
  • Committed to the Word of God
  • Ready to admit mistakes
  • Resourceful and creative
  • Looking for ways to encourage
  • … and loves mowing the lawn!


We love you, Stephen! May God bless you in amazing ways this coming year.

Winter activities

Our last newsy update was back in the fall/early winter. Since then so much has occurred that it would take a long time to write it all out. I’ll just blitz through a few of the highlights instead.

Christmas was a wonderful season of spending time with family and friends and striving to bring joy to others. A very last minute decision was made to redo our chalk art presentation from last year at one of the homes. Thankfully, Erica was there to keep the chalk artists on track during the preparations!


We did our traditional Christmas concerts at three nursing homes. Elizabeth and Caleb joined us on the jingle bells!

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We also kept our gingerbread house decorating tradition. The young ones always love this. And the not-so-young ones too! I’m not sure who had more fun – Elizabeth or Grandma!

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In the midst of all the Christmas activity, we also butchered our 20-month-old steer. Weighing over 1,000 lbs, he was by far the largest animal we have done to date. It was a big job, but we enjoyed working together with family and friends. And we tried our hands at sausage making afterwards! It was certainly a learning process.


More recently, we found ourselves once again making trips back and forth to the hospital. After months of trying to cure Amy’s health problems through a medicinal route, the surgeons acknowledged that surgery was the only option left. We really saw God’s hand in it all. The timing of the surgery couldn’t have been better: we had no other outside commitments that week and Amy was doing well in the sense of having regained the weight and energy she lost last summer. We were told to expect a 5-7 day stay in the hospital. She was out in four days! We are thanking the Lord for His intervention on her behalf. And Amy is thrilled that she can now begin to eat “lumpy” food again! We still have to be careful, but she is definitely doing better! Praise the Lord!

A more recent project is learning how to use diffusing and reflecting umbrellas in photography. One of our first targets was a cake…


The first photo is without the use of the umbrellas. In the second, the sharp shadows were eliminated by bouncing and diffusing the light.

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Now to learn how to use these for portraits. (And, no, we didn’t have these tools during the baby photo session.) I’m sure it will be an exciting learning experience.

A Photo Session

It started seriously enough…


But there were some slight complications…


”What are you doing?”


“Mommy, he’s pulling on my dress!”


“What did you say?”


“Mommy, I really don’t understand what he’s trying to say!”


“I’m going to tell you a secret.”




“What do we do now?”


“I’ll tell you what to pray.”


“Hey! It’s not polite for boys to push girls!”


“I’ll give you a kiss anyway, though.”


“Blah. Kisses are for girls!”


“OK. We’ll be serious now!”

Photographing babies can be both a challenge and humorous! And meanwhile, the stuffed elephant was posing too…


A new year

Where did 2014 go?  It seems hardly possible that the whole year has gone by and that we are entering 2015! Time’s flying so quickly is a reminder to us that we need to be wise in our use of it. May this year be one of following the Lord more closely than ever before and heeding his direction.


Frenzical Freezing Fire

Have you ever gotten to bed after midnight only to wake up about four or five hours later with the lights flickering, flashing light in the room, a crackling sound, the smoke detector beeping, and soon to hear the cry of “Fire! Fire!”? That’s about what happened to me Tuesday night…

I got to bed late Tuesday night due to an encouraging conversation with one of my siblings, so I was quite sleepy and was sound asleep in seconds. I had set my alarm early so I could shovel out the driveway if necessary, as they were calling for snow and freezing rain.

As I related in the first paragraph, I woke up – not to my alarm (I had long ago slept through that) – but to the smoke detector at 6:30. My initial reaction was to think that we must be having a power cut, because that smoke detector is connected to the wall power and beeps whenever the power turns on or off. But in the few seconds it took me to wake up a little more, I realised that it was making one long solid beep. Furthermore, the light in the hall was flickering, and a strange yellowish flashing light was filling the room, along with a strange crackling sound.

Suddenly Jonathan rolled over and sat bolt upright in his bed. That’s unusual for him – usually he sleeps soundly and wakes up slowly. At this point my still three-quarters asleep brain began to register that something might be seriously wrong. When my brother suddenly jumped out of bed and dashed out of the room, I followed suite, noticing a little more clearly the flashing light in our second-story bedroom. Glancing out the window in another room, Jonathan said urgently, “There’s a fire out there!”

Soon the cries of “Fire!” had just about everyone awake in the house. At this point, the power had cut, and the rush down the stairs soon had me about half awake. Standing out on the balcony, we could see the fire.

In order to appreciate what happened next, I have to tell you what was actually going on. What had actually happened was that due to excessive amounts of snow and ice, a tree had fallen on the power line going to our house and the neighbours’, putting enough pressure on the line to break its joint on the main line, but not enough to totally separate them. The result was that the electricity was jumping the gap between the wires, creating an unforgetable light show.

Someone (I don’t know who) said to call 911. Having only been awake for some 45 seconds, Yours Truly was none too genius, and said, “Don’t call too fast – it might just be fireworks!” I guess I was somewhat justified in that only few weeks ago the police got called on our neighbours for possible domestic violence because they set off a couple firecrackers early in the morning.

Still, setting off fireworks in the ditch between the road and a patch of forest under the powerline would warrant an investigation in and of itself, and, fortunately, my advice was not followed. Sadly, the sparking stopped too fast for me to be able to get any pictures. Happily, the sparking didn’t start a fire anywhere else.

The firemen arrived within 10 minutes, and in view of the fact that Sherbrooke Hydro trucks were so badly tied up they had to call in workmen from an hour away, Hydro Quebec arrived surprisingly quickly. By shortly after noon, they had our power up and running.


As I made my way about my electro-free morning, I realised that I sometimes get power outages in my spiritual life. When I fail to be connected to my source of energy and joy – Christ – it is certain that when conflicts arise, and struggles come, I will not have the strength and power to meet them head on.

Just as a house without power is unable to function normally, I am unable to function as God desires if I am not looking to Him for my strength and joy. One of my favourite hymns reads,

“Oh soul are you weary and troubled – no light in the darknes you see? There’s light for a look at the Saviour, and life more abundant and free. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” – Hebrews 12:1-2

Autumn gone by

As Stephen mentioned in the last post, we already have snow on the ground here in Quebec and we’re expecting more! I’m sure there are some who would rather winter had held off a little longer, but I am one of those who is happily bidding farewell to fall and welcoming our snowy season. It is not that I don’t like autumn – far from it! But I do love winter too! (My favourite season changes as fast as the seasons change. 🙂 ) The freezing ground is certainly simplifying taking care of the cows outdoors and keeping those animals significantly less muddy.

The autumn season was a busy one. Most of the activity has been around home, however. Bringing in the garden, canning and freezing fresh produce, raking fall leaves, butchering the final batch of chickens, getting the turkeys in the freezer, (we broke our record with a 42 pound bird!) preparing for and buying laying hens, getting ready for butchering our 20 month-old steer, beginning on Christmas projects, practising Christmas music, all that while keeping up weekly Sunday meetings, monthly men’s meetings and monthly Sunday afternoon services at the nursing home.

Yet, despite all the busyness, there were still opportunities to take pleasant excursions. In September, Daddy and Mommy took short trip in the White Mountains together.

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The end of the same month, most of us went out for an afternoon with our cameras to catch some colourful photos. Jonathan’s made use of his new polarizing filter to catch a starburst on the sun!

But now, fall is behind us and snowflakes in the air put us in the mood for baking Christmas cookies. Already some are in our accessory freezer also known as coolers on the balcony. 🙂 The squirrel, however, must content himself with the remains of summer’s sunflowers.


We look forward to celebrating the birth of our Saviour and are hoping for a nice, snowy Christmas!

Sliding Civics and Accent Accidents

What good weather for accidents it is! We finally have our first few inches of snow: and what with fairly warm temperatures and freezing rain this afternoon, the roads have become skating rinks for automobiles. And to make things worse, it’s the first real snow in the year, so many drivers haven’t yet switched to winter tires – which increases the danger of driving on the already slippery roads.

Shortly after lunch, we saw signs of an accident on the other side of the street. After investigation, we determined that the driver was uninjured and awaiting a towtruck. The towtruck arrived and pulled his Honda Civic out of the ditch without much difficulty. The car was sufficiently undamaged that he was able to drive off – still spinning his tires!

Unfortunately, the sander made his run of our street during this roadside rescue, and had to pass around the rescue operation – which left an unsanded, slippery trap for any other road users. So it was no great surprise when only an hour or so later, a Hyundi Accent landed in the ditch about the same place. This driver too, escaped bodily injury, though they did tow this car away for repairs. No doubt if you live anywhere further up North, you have either seen or heard of an accident due to failure to put snow tires on – or even been involved in one! As I consider these accidents, however, I realise that many people around this world resemble the many drivers who have procrastinated putting on their snow tires. Many people, who have heard the Gospel message, have failed to place their faith and trust in Christ. They say, “Oh, I will get around to it,” and put off considering eternal salvation. But even as they say that, their day comes when their souls are required: thus their entry into the afterlife is summed up in that fateful word – unprepared.

But then there is another class of people on this globe, and that is people who have not heard the blessed Gospel message. These are those, who, as it were, did not know that the snow was coming. Why is this? I believe it is at least in part because Christians across our province, country, continent, and globe have failed to proclaim the truth. We have seriously lacked in our duty of “preach[ing] the gospel to every creature.”

It is high time for Christians to awake and proclaim the truth of God’s Word. It is high time for us to stop being ashamed of the Gospel and to stop setting our affections on things on the earth – to hold fast the Gospel and to love others by telling them about the Saviour who has died for our sins.