Ice Cream appears to be a prolific sheep. She had three little lambs Wednesday – two ewes and a ram.
As can be seen, there is quite a size difference between them. The largest and smallest – both ewe lambs – weighing 8.5 lbs and 4.5 lbs respectively. Here they are side-by-side:
Unfortunately, however, whether it is that she is too stressed to let down well, too on edge to eat enough to produce lots of milk, or simply not a good milker, Ice Cream appears not to have enough milk for her lambs. As a result, we’ve brought the smallest lamb indoors to be bottle fed. The ram, likewise seems hungry, but we’re hoping that an extra bottle now and then will keep him going enough to contend with his sister for Ice Cream’s milk.
The littlest lamb is great fun. She already looks on us as “mommy” and was taken outdoors this morning to be photographed. I have to admit that this aspect of raising sheep was one of my reasons for wanting to do it! 🙂
c’a l’air plus facile a photographier que des veaux… ou des lapins.
Je crois que oui. Elle bouge moins vite… pour l’instant… Mais je n’aurais pas pu prendre ces photos-ci sans l’aide d’une assistante. La difficulté principale c’était de la séparer de sa “maman” adoptive!