The past few months have been incredibly busy ones. But despite that, our family still managed to make a family trip to a train museum in June.

At home, there is always plenty to do. One project was to take down the dead weeping willow in our front yard.
After that, there was a lot of brush to burn.
Our mini-farm has also kept us busy: just normal chores…
giving away the orphaned kittens…
selling our three ewe lambs…
and selling Bounty which took teaching her to load into a very small trailer!
And the garden is producing and giving us plenty of work!
Evelyn found a more efficient method of doing applesauce than what we have done in the past.
The berries were abundant this year, too.
And a few honeybees have been frequenting our lawn off and on throughout the summer.
Honeybees… that reminds me… a beekeeper has been very prominent in the recent busyness!
Michael and I will be married this Saturday! Praise the Lord for His goodness!