Yearly Archives: 2018

Hair Cut Time!

It was hair cutting time in the barn this week! Well, not technically hair actually – wool.

Chipit and Maple had theirs cut a while back, but the three younger sheep still needed to be done. Yoghurt was by far the most agreeable. He loved the back rub! Strawberry and Raspberry were more ticklish and wiggly, but even so it was nice to work with sheep that aren’t afraid of us.

I forgot to photograph Strawberry before and after, but here are Yoghurt and Raspberry.







Quite the change! We measured Yoghurt’s fleece at 9 inches long. It is really beautiful wool. The ewe lambs have a lot of hair in their wool, so the quality is less good.

And of course while I was in the barn… How could I resist photographing those cute little lambs?

And now we are watching Maple and wondering if she’s pregnant…

What do you think?


Chipit just lambed this morning.

Congratulations, Jérémie R. Your guess was correct: Chipit had two ram lambs!

A few weeks ago we decided to award a prize for the one/ones who guess correctly: a wool hat made from Chipit’s fleece!

Yoplait and Iögo are large lambs with voracious appetites. Chipit doesn’t seem to have much milk yet, but thankfully, we had some of Hershey’s colostrum from last fall in the freezer. We’re using that as a supplement until Chipit starts producing more. With both parents having large ears, the lambs were destined to have big ones too. Yoplait is having trouble holding one of his up!

A tired little lamb:

Spring Skiing

Even for Quebec the amount of snow we still have is a little unusual for April. But since the snow is still deep and since everyone was home on Monday, Daddy took us all skiing (minus Mommy and Amy who went shopping for ice cream instead). It was a beautiful day! I dared to bring my DSLR with me to take pictures.

Some people enjoy taking the slopes fast.

Others enjoy taking in the gorgeous scenery at a leisurely pace. (You can take a guess at which speed the photographer was going…)

And on the way home we got a glimpse of the Abbey with Owl’s Head as backdrop.

It was a wonderful day of exercise, enjoying God’s creation, and just spending time together!

Lamb guess!

April is on its way and lambing season is just around the corner. Our first ewe due to lamb is Chipit and she looks like it!

Sadly, she also isn’t doing the best. The weight of her lamb(s) is making her tire easily and we were startled to discover yesterday that she sometimes struggles to walk about and lie down. A vet visit relieved us of the possibility of hypocalcemia or pregnancy toxemia. His suggestion was that she has suffered some kind of trauma to her spinal column. Our best option is to keep her quiet, fed, and watered and hope that the arrival of the lambs will relieve her of added pressure.

So, we are doubly eager for the lambs to appear! If anyone wants to take a guess at how many ewe lambs and/or ram lambs she will have, just reply to this post and let us know what you think!

Continued update!

February was rolling toward March when we struck out for the “sunny south” to attend a FEW conference in North Carolina! As we travelled, we felt that we were experiencing time-lapse! The winter melted into spring in just two days – going from a couple feet of ice and snow to leafing shrubs, blooming pear trees, and flowering daffodils!

The conference was terrific: it was a real encouragement to fellowship with believers we had not before met, to hear challenging sessions on remaining focused on Christ and holding tightly to His Word, and to jump in and serve with the FEW team.

Amy was delighted to meet Dr. Jobe Martin. She loves watching the “Creatures of Creation” and the “Incredible Creatures” DVD’s that Dr. Martin and his family have produced.

Then we returned home – seeing time-lapse in reverse – in time to welcome another snowstorm. I went out to get a few snowy pictures…

and got distracted by the cats!

I thought we had friendly animals around here…

“Who, me? I’m too nice attack anyone…”

A few random photos of things that we do…

Jonathan and Stephen doing a big computer reorganisation.

Crocheting project for the evenings.

For a beekeeper’s birthday

Just because I was in the mood…

I’m not sure what the goldfinch is doing there. I guess it just flew in.

Part of what has kept us busy is the wool processing. We have finally finished spinning Chipit’s and Maple’s fleeces into yarn.

And just in time… shearing season (and lambing season!) is just around the corner. Which reminds me, I need to make another post…

“And whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.”

Bringing it up to date

It seems I’m always doing this: going a long time without posting much and then covering several months of activity! But, as they say, “Better late than never.” So here is a run-down of the Frazer family activities for the past little while, though I may split it over several posts.

The Christmas season was a little less busy than some years. We did manage to get out to visit our grandparents – a really special time.

Four generations!

Other winter activities included a fellowship/skating event at New Years’…

other skating fun…

an attempt at making our own rink (sadly a January thaw put an end to that)…

and some winter hiking in the Whites for Daddy and Mommy.

Somehow we’ve managed to find ourselves butchering in January the past couple of years. Putting an 8-month-old ram lamb in the freezer was a first for us.

Another winter activity was quilting. I made a quilt for a very good friend of mine – an incredibly fun project!

And then Mommy and I actually got to attend her wedding.

On the way there we saw the beginning of the lunar eclipse. The nieces and nephews continue to grow up. They bring such joy!

And there is more to follow…

Bunny time!

Our spring batch of baby rabbits is, Lord willing, on its way! We just bred 8 of our 9 females. Before they pull out their fur for their babies, we took pictures of them.

Here are our bucks:

Big Foot



Other than our original rabbit, Smokey, our does all have small candy names:




Jelly Bean

Candy Cane




Cinnamon Hearts

Cinnamon Hearts is the only one we didn’t breed simply because we don’t have space. She and Champ are actually for sale. Anyone looking for a couple of friendly bunnies? The babies should be ready to go in May and can be reserved ahead of time, too.

And of course, the cat somehow knew that it was time for portraits…

Streusel couldn’t sit around posing, though.

We are eager to see where the Lord will take our rabbit venture. It seems He has been opening doors to sell many more than previously.

What do I do when God brings change?

While cleaning my room recently, I came across the following story written nearly 10 years ago… I share it partially to bring smiles to others, but also because what the Lord was teaching me then still rings true in my heart and life. May we always hold every relationship with an open hand!

The Story of the Toilet Brush

WARNING! This is a very sad story. If you don’t have a box of Kleenex near you, you had better get one.

Once upon a time, there was a toilet brush. His name was Downstairs-Bathroom-Toilet-Brush also know as Yellow-Toilet-Brush. He was a very nice toilet brush

That wasn’t how the story started. Let me try again.

Once upon a time, there was a girl. Her name was Elizabeth She cleaned bathrooms very well, especially toilets.

That wasn’t it either! Here is how it really went (with a little exaggeration!)

When I was about five years old, my mother would get my siblings and me to help with the clean-up on Saturdays. The way she worked it was as follows: She would print up a list of jobs that needed doing and set it on the table. The first person to put their initial next to a job was the one who got to do it. Problem: my legs were shorter than those of my older brother and sister. So, when Mommy called, “Job time!”, though I ran as fast as I could, my older brother and sister would always get to the list sooner than I and, of course, get the “better” jobs such as washing the sinks or the mirrors. I was always left with the toilets! But Mommy, being the good mother that she is, somehow persuaded me that washing toilets was a very honourable job and made me proud of being the one to do them! To this day, the simple job of washing that toilet brings back many memories.

As we got older, there were more jobs that we were capable of doing. That meant that we each had more than one job to do.  Eventually, I found myself washing the whole downstairs bathroom by myself every Saturday.  My favourite part of cleaning the bathroom was washing the toilet, for although I now had the opportunity to do the other “better” jobs, there was always a kind of bond (if I may use that term) between me and that toilet… and of course the toilet brush.

Now, you must allow me to introduce you to the toilet brush. This was not just any toilet brush. He was made of a wire ring covered in white bristles which was attached to a bright yellow handle. From the very first day I met him, I liked him. And as time progressed, I became rather fond of him. Often I would boast to my brothers (who washed the upstairs bathroom) that he did a much better job at washing toilets than the one they used.  And so it seemed, for “my” toilet always looked cleaner after I was done than “theirs” did, and if they were having trouble getting theirs clean, I was always ready to show them what my favourite toilet brush could do! I don’t ever recall his being new, so I supposed he must have been around for some time before I began to use him. But despite his age, he was always bright and cheerful, ready for service at any time of day or night. He and I got along really well, and we made an excellent team. On several occasions, when I was  away from home, I had to use some other toilet brush. But those brushes never worked quite as well, not being as familiar with my way of doing things.

Many years went by, and that toilet brush and I continued to work together. He was getting older, but that only served to increase his effectiveness as it made him more flexible and ready to squeeze into corners that were difficult to reach. His bristles were also less stiff, which meant that he could have a larger area of himself touching the surface of the object being cleaned thus allowing us to clean more quickly. By this time, we got along so well,that we hardly had to communicate to get the job done. Each knew what the other was doing and responded accordingly.

One summer, however, everything changed. I was away at a course for three weeks. During my absence, my mother helped one of my younger siblings clean the bathroom. While cleaning, she noticed that this old toilet brush was rather used and worn out and decided to replace him. I was completely oblivious to this change until the Saturday following my return. When I came to clean the toilet, I opened the cupboard expecting to find my faithful old favourite toilet brush there. What I found, however, was very unexpected: in the place where he usually sat, I discovered a blue-handled object with a ball of stiff blue-and-white bristles at the end. A quick search of the cupboard revealed no other brush, so I immediately inquired as to the whereabouts of my favourite toilet brush. Mommy’s response was  mild: “It was time for it to be replaced.” My favourite toilet brush was gone! Gone forever! Never again would I see his cheerful yellow handle (true, it was fading, but it was still yellow) sticking out of his bucket. Never again would we clean the toilet together, and enjoy the silence of mutual consent! How could I ever get used to this new brush? I had always cleaned the toilet with my favourite brush! He was old, it was true, but he worked so well! Why should he be replaced?

That is the story of the toilet brush, but it isn’t the end of the whole story. As I thought about that toilet brush, it seemed unfair to me that he should be thrown out. The one upstairs didn’t work nearly as well as him, yet that one had been allowed to stay. This new one was awkward and stiff. It would be a long time before I could use it in the same way as I had been able to use my favourite brush. Yet, the mistress of the house decided that his time was up. His task was finished, his mission was accomplished. To me it seemed as though he could have served for many more years, but that was not to be his destiny.

How often do I respond in the same way to God? He puts people in our lives for a season and then takes them away when His purpose for them is accomplished. To us it may seem as though they could have been useful for much longer, but the Master in His wisdom knows when their mission is at an end. This does not only apply to people. There are other things with which He does the same thing. He gives material things. He gives opportunities. There are times when everything seems to be so perfect that we wish it could always stay that way. But this is not God’s way. Changes are a part of His plan. When He brings about those changes, how do I respond? Do I complain and question His decisions? “Lord, why did You take me out of that situation? I was learning so much. Others were blessed by what I was doing. ‘The toilet was getting clean!’? Or, “Lord, I don’t understand. You have put me in such an uncomfortable situation. The tools You have given me don’t seem adequate. ‘How can I clean the toilet with this?'” Will I weep and sigh over the people or things He takes away (I didn’t really cry over the toilet brush!) and pine for those He does not see fit to give, or will I trust that His will is good and that He has a purpose in everything even though I do not understand it?

Wool processing

Sheep are rapidly becoming one of my favourite animals.

They are such loveable balls of fluff and have so much to give back: meat (we just butchered our 8 month old ram lamb), milk (not yet, but we’re hoping that someday we’ll get to milk one of the ewes) and wool.

The wool is where we have been putting quite a bit of time lately. Here’s how it goes…

First the sheep need to be shorn.

Not wanting to invest immediately in expensive shearing equipment, we opted for a cheaper method: kitchen scissors!Then the wool needs washing. (Sorry, we don’t have any pictures of this step.) We give the fleeces three washes in hot soapy water to remove the lanolin (sheep grease). It is important to do this without agitation. Agitating wool when it is hot causes it to felt, rendering it useless. And then we rinse it, also in hot water.

After washing it goes on racks to dry, or in our case, on frost fencing elevated off the ground by 2×4’s.

Once dry, the wool is skirted, which simply means that we remove any worthless bits of fiber, i.e. parts that have manure on them or sections that contain too much vegetable matter (hay).

At this point, the wool is ready for combing or carding. We didn’t have any carding equipment, so we did our first fleece with hair combs – a very time-consuming project as it meant combing one end of a lock, flipping it around and combing the other end!

Now we have a drum carder which speeds the process up enormously! The wool is put through the carder a bit a time for the first pass.

To line the fibers up better and to remove more vegetable matter, we send the wool through the carder about three times on average.

When the bat is removed for the final time, it is torn into long strips and moved on to the spinning wheel.

Alternately, it can be removed from the drum in one long strip using a disk with a tiny hole in it. Our sheep’s short staple length makes this impracticable this year, but perhaps it will work with the longer wool we hope to get next year.

At the spinning wheel, the rovings (long strips of wool) are drafted (drawn out into even thinner strands) and twisted before getting wound onto the bobbin.

Once two bobbins are filled, the strands are plied together by being sent through the spinning wheel again, with the wheel spinning backwards this time.

The wool is now ready to be used and turned into warm articles of clothing!