Frazer Family

Family Vacation part 2

The wildlife in Cape Breton is quite used to seeing tourists.

The moose especially seem nonchalant.

The birds are a little more wary.

Though not the seagulls as much. Most of these photos are barely cropped.

Yikes, we’re going to get wet!

Flying together

Reunion of a pair

We even got to see them fishing.



And they always come back up in time to miss being hit by the next wave!

And another style of fishing…

They know what fishing boats carry!

On the topic of fishing boats, we were actually in Cape Breton during the lobster season. We had the amazing experience of watching the fishermen at work.

many boats at work

many docked boats

watching the boats

pulling up the lobster trap

Though it rained one day while we were there, we saw several really beautiful sunsets. It was a beautiful vacation and a wonderful time as a family.

“From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same, the LORD’s name is to be praised.” Psalm 113:3

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