Frazer Family

End of November Update

Before I have to flip my calendar page to December, I’ll take a few moments to give a “before the Christmas rush” update. Since our trip to New Brunswick at the beginning of September much has taken place, though a lot of the activity doesn’t get caught on camera.

There was a family trip to the Village d’Antan. Taking a step back into the past was fun and interesting.

Evelyn and I continue helping a friend with her horses. I had the joy of seeing the horse I helped to train go to a good home.

More bunnies were born and some are now sold.

The lambs are looking more like sheep than lambs now.

Now who is the hunter?

The kittens are growing up too.

Will someone give me a good home, please?

Evelyn has started hand quilting her quilt. I’m almost to that step on mine.

Daddy and Mommy took a couple hikes, including the difficult Mount Katahdin. It was foggy the day they hiked, but the following day revealed a beautiful outlook on the mountain.

And at last, after years of hiking in the White Mountains, they sighted not one, not two, but three moose!

In October, we took Nana (Mommy’s mother) out for her 90th birthday.

The cousins have been over to visit multiple times.

Since the family keeps growing new family photos were in order!

Sometimes the candid shots are the most fun.

Stephen didn’t know what he was getting into when he invited Elizabeth and Keziah onto his back…

Perhaps he should start a new pushup challenge for 2018!

Mid-November saw us heading down to the VA FEW conference. Yes, it snowed on route, but there was no snow in VA. It was a incredible time of Christian fellowship and refreshment in the Lord.

With December around the corner, the “Christmas rush” has actually already begun with a few cookies made and frozen and the FFF&F written, printed, and getting ready for the mail! We look forward to what the Lord has in store for us in the next month!

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