Frazer Family

A busy summer

What a summer it has been! The kitchen renovations were done just in time to get going on another busy time: preparing for the first Quebec FEW conference! Several projects around the house needed to be done, such as putting in a drain…

… and installing a new (pressure sensitive! 🙂 ) shower head upstairs.

And there were a few non-FEW related events… Daddy and Mommy got out hiking a couple times.

Of course the kids were over several times. They are such a joy!

We washed some of our sheep’s wool and halter broke our young ram.

Then began the real planning. There was a lot of discussion on how to work everything…

…and phone calls…

…and lists…

…and more discussion!

And things came together. The linens and towels emerged from cupboards and were washed.

As the final countdown began, boxes were filled and carefully labelled. The sound system was taken apart and made ready to travel to Grace Village where the conference was to be held. All the equipment for simultaneous translation was organised and ready to go. Temporarily the house looked a terrific mess!

But the place soon looked better as beds were made and the trailer was loaded. The office turned into a makeshift hotel suite and even the pantry turned into a “bedroom.”

Hard to believe the above photo is usually the boys room! 🙂

The big day finally came and the FEW team arrived!

We enjoyed joining them in song.

And since the cow went and calved that same day, several got to try their hand at milking!

The conference was a tremendous success. So many people expressed how encouraged they were through the sessions, through talking one-on-one, through interactions during the children’s hour…

As a family, we were really blessed. Hosting a FEW conference made for a very busy summer, but it was well worth it! We praise the Lord for the FEW team’s willingness to travel all the way up to Quebec. Thank you,FEW Team!

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