Monthly Archives: December 2016

How time flies!

The Frazer Family blog has been silent a long time. Life is so busy, it’s hard to keep up with everything!

Since recounting all our activities from September until present would take far too long, I’ll just blitz through a few highlights, hope I don’t miss anything important, and let the pictures do the rest of the telling.

As usual, Daddy took Mommy hiking for her birthday. They had beautiful weather and scenery. And they actually finished hiking all the 4,000’ers in the White Moutains!

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A baptism took place this fall, too. It is wonderful to see a young man publicly professing his faith in his Lord. Since we have no pool, pond, or other body of water, an old syrup pan from a sugar shack was brought over for the event. They kids enjoyed playing with it afterwards!

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With more little ones added to our family this past year, a new family photo was in order. It can be a challenge to get so many people posing together, but with some planning beforehand and a little help from GIMP afterwards, a beautiful photo resulted from our efforts.

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Though late in coming, the fall colours were spectacular this year. We had several opportunities to go out to photograph.

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And of course, with the fall, comes raking leaves and harvesting. Evelyn’s pumpkins did remarkably well this year, with her largest weighing 145 lbs!

The poultry are in the freezer now, but the rest of the farm animals continue on through the winter. Our rabbit doe had a litter of kits in September, eight of which survived. These have grown up and she now has another litter of which 10 have survived so far.

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And there is the wildlife… and the wildlife hunter!20161024_elf_2291 20161025_elf_2297 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

The Virginia FEW conference took place mid-November. It was a good time of fellowship with other Christians.

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The kids are growing up quickly. Brayden is beginning to “talk” and eat cereal; Keziah can now walk (if she doesn’t think about it!), and the Elizabeth and Caleb are rapidly becoming invaluable helpers!


An early Christmas gift for the whole family arrived in a big truck. It is a vast improvement over the electric that was functioning less and less well! Certainly it is a terrific enhancement for practising Christmas music.

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Oh, and speaking of Christmas, we also prepared a new chalk talk for the occasion. Actually, it was an old one that was reworked, however it changed so dramatically, that it could be considered new. We have already presented it twice and will go to another nursing home with it this coming Saturday.


And in case I don’t post again before Christmas, I’ll say, “Merry Christmas!” right away! 🙂