Monthly Archives: September 2016

Fun with Sausage

As usual with one-day-old calves, we took Sausage out on the lawn on Wednesday. She is much less energetic than some of our calves and stood still beautifully to pose for the camera!

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She does have some energy, and like all calves, enjoys running. Her “high speed” is more of a lope than an out-and-out run, making her the easiest calf yet to get in focus even when in motion. Well… the photographer has learned a few things too… 🙂


Oh, and of course, the inspector had to come by again! What is farm life without cats around? 🙂


And one final photo:

Sausage making!

Actually Sausage was already made, but she was just born today! At 6:00 this morning, I thought Mocha might calve that evening, but she was still looking pretty much like her normal self. So I was taken quite by surprise to find that at 10:00 she had her calf!

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And of course, the inspector had to drop by to check out the situation!:)


Sausage is the first calf we’ve had that is such a light colour. And she is even lighter now that she’s dried off! We’ll try to post more pictures later.