Monthly Archives: November 2015

Family Encouragement Weekend

In mid-November, our family had the privilege of going down to Virginia for a Family Encouragement Weekend. Most of us had been to one in New Hampshire several years ago, but this time, thanks to Nathanael and Samantha volunteering to take care of our livestock, we were all able to go together.

It was a blessed time of hearing people share on giving thanks in all circumstances, of being encouraged to seek the glory of God in the person of Jesus Christ, of meeting new families, of fellowshipping with other believers who are striving to hold true to the Word of God.

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There were lots of young people, and one of the things I loved was seeing the interactions between all the ages.

It truly was a Family Encouragement Weekend!

Growing up

Little ones grow up so quickly. Caleb and Elizabeth are learning to help out…

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStephen was installing some handrails on the stairs when Caleb came to visit. Great job, Caleb!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd Elizabeth loves helping to do the chores. Those “moo’s” are a lot of fun!