Frazer Family

Autumns Days – part 2

Back in Quebec, the leaves turned brilliant shortly after Jonathan and I returned from Vermont. Thanksgiving Day was gorgeous. Jonathan, Evelyn, and I went out both in the morning and the afternoon to shoot a few photos. The northern tip of Lake Stukley is beautiful in the early morning.20151012_ELF_7187

We also went to the Eustis covered bridge. It looked quite different from the last time we were there!

The sunset on Lake Massawippi was beautiful too.

The changing weather motivated us to get some work around home done: cleaning up the yard, moving wood, etc.

Is that a dog on the balcony? 🙂

Our cute little “pet” was also brought to the GCH to bring some smiles to the residents. She certainly did that!

And finally, what shouldn’t be a surprise this time of year, the first snow arrived! It was beautiful while it lasted.

“He hath made every thing beautiful in his time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11

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