Another new arrival

Our little cattle herd no sooner shrinks but it grows again. Our two milk-fed calves had only been in the freezer a couple months when we were approached with the exciting possibility of buying yet another calf.  At seventy pounds, Short Ribs is big for a Jersey calf and as full of energy as his adopted older sister.


Did they ever look alike at that age!


Hershey at 1 day old:


Short Ribs at 1 day old:


Evelyn and I both had to admit that one of the biggest differences we see is actually the photography quality. Practising is paying off!

And there are a couple other new barnyard critters…


Snowball and his adopted daughter Tidbit!

Young animals are so much fun!

2 thoughts on “Another new arrival

  1. Samantha

    Love your picture of Short Ribs, Elizabeth (3674)! Your photography skills are certainly getting better! Love the lighting! Was it taken in the morning?

    1. Elizabeth Post author

      Yes, it was taken around 9:30 a.m. The lighting was gorgeous that morning. At first I thought the sun was already too high, and for some of my shots it was, but that one turned out really nicely. He looks a little like a deer standing at the edge of a forest clearing! 🙂


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