
Caleb Isaac Frazer

2014-08-02Born: Friday, August 1, 2014, 8:42 a.m.

Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz

Length: 21 1/2 in

So far, only Daddy and Mommy have seen Caleb in person and that only very briefly as they dropped off some boyish sleepers during non-visiting hours.  A few others will probably drop in for a visit at the hospital, but the rest of us will wait until Nathanael and Samantha bring him home.  We are all eagerly looking forward to meeting our little nephew!

2014-08-02 (1)

Nathanael and Samantha, we are praying for you as you raise up this precious little one to be a hardy soldier of the cross.  May he be as the Caleb of old, a mighty man of faith, devotion, and courage.

3 thoughts on “Announcing…

  1. Mrs Germain

    Congratulations to Nathanael and Samantha. God bless you and take good care of yourself Samantha.
    We are very happy for you.

    Germain Family

    with Christ love xxxxxx

  2. Jennifer & Eric Dallaire

    Congratulations on this wonderful surprise! We are so delighted for you. He is just so precious! May God give you everything you will need for this new role of parents. Congrats to Grandma and Grandpa too!
    Love in Christ,
    Eric & Jennifer

  3. David

    May the Lord make of him a mighty man of valour, as He did with the Caleb of Joshuah’s time.


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