Frazer Family

Happy Mother’s Day

One famous author asked at one point this momentous, thought provoking question : “Where would we be without mothers?”  I suppose that many answers could be proposed, but really, the short answer is a simple, “No!”  For, in truth, were it not for our mothers, not one of us would be here today.

Paul says in II Timothy 3 these auspicious words – “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy…”

It is not my purpose right now to enter into eschatological perspectives or to discuss whether the end times are near, but I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we live today in a culture which undermines parenthood probably more than any other culture to have risen to power.  Moreover, we live in a culture in which gratefulness to our parents is seen not only as unnecessary, but also as unusual and unprecedented.

Today I want to say a big thank you to every one of you mothers out there who have given yourselves so devotedly to your husbands and children.  You have persevered even when it is hard; you have held fast to the Word of God; you have continued to pray for those around you.  Yours is a role which is often taken for granted – but one of the hardest roles on planet earth.

Charles Spurgeon was once approached by a mother.  She told him that she believed God had called her into ministry.  Upon learning that she had ten children, his reply was, “Why, praise the Lord!  He has not only called you to ministry, but he has given you a congregation as well!”

Mothers, I do thank you for the ministry which you are holding fast.  In particular, however, I want to thank my mother for the part she has played in my life.  She has so often guarded my steps, demonstrated submission to my father, and loved me even when I was in sin.

The illustration I have in my mother will also be a help to me when I begin looking for a wife.  For the godly illustration she is to me of a virtuous woman will help me to see that same virtuousness (or lack thereof) in a young lady who would be a potential marriage partner.

From the depths of my heart I want to thank you, Mommy.  Your walk with God has been and continues to be an encouragement to me.  May God bless you as you continue to seek His face.  I love  you!

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