Frazer Family

Spring is here … or is it?

For a while, it looked like we might really have seen the end of winter. Monday, the temperature soared to 24 C – practically summer! A few of us, however, still kept on cheerfully predicting an April snowfall. And sure enough it arrived! A picture taken late Tuesday afternoon portrays it well…


Traces of spring… and winter again!

The following morning, some of us went out to take pictures…

OK, it wasn’t really that deep… 🙂 Can anyone figure out how I took those photos, though? I’ll post a picture later of how it was done.

The spring songbirds seemed to be enjoying the lovely day and the snowy background made the birdfeeder a perfect photoshooting spot.

Getting close enough to shoot a good picture was tricky, but cropping afterward “fixed” the problem to a certain extent.

Encouraged by my results from yesterday, I went out again this morning determined not to allow my 55mm lens stop me from getting close. At first, even the friendly chickadees were a little uncertain about approaching the feeder with someone so close by, but eventually they began to ignore me and even the slightly shyer juncos joined them, though they preferred the area on the ground 2 feet from my boots to the feeder 5 feet from my camera lens!

And a few that were cropped…

And my personal favourite:

Meanwhile, Stephen with a 70-300mm took on the challenge of shooting action photos.

Yet, despite the late snow, spring is in the air. We are looking forward to seeing how God will order, not only natural events, but also our way as we follow him.

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