Can anyone guess?

   Recently, I photographed an interesting flower.  Can anyone guess what it is?

photo 1 photo 2

photo 3 photo 4

   Apologies for the photo quality…  Yours truly needs to take some photography lessons from her older brother!

7 thoughts on “Can anyone guess?

  1. Erica

    I have no idea… any hints? Is it an indoor or outdoor flower?

    You must be counting down the days until Mocha calves… the only problem being that you have no idea what day to count down to!!! Exciting!

  2. Elizabeth

    The flower is indoors right now. Is that enough of a hint?

    Yes, I am really looking forward to Mocha calving! I keep a close eye on her, but each time I check, I have to admit, "I don’t think it will be today." Evelyn and I really hope to be around when the calf arrives.

  3. Erica

    Hmmm… that is not much help. I am not that good at identifying plants. Any more hints?

    That would be thrilling to watch Mocha calve…it is so fun to watch!!!

  4. Elizabeth

    Rather! How many fruit trees do we have indoors? 🙂 But that’s OK.

    Mocha is getting close. I think I’m starting to see signs, though it could still be a couple days away…

  5. David

    That is right! It is a lemon tree flower. We were all delightfully surprised to see some flowers on it this spring. We planted it a number of years ago from seed, so we will see what kind of fruit it gives. It looks like we may have to wait 6-9 months before we can taste them, though…


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