Frazer Family

Chalk Talks and Concerts

This past week we have had the opportunity of ministering through music and chalk talks in a few different places.  On Tuesday the 6th, we were at Grace Christian Home for a chalk talk.  The unsaved residents need to hear the Gospel message preached and those who know the Lord appreciate hearing it again.  So, the staff of the home decided to schedule the chalk talk during the normal supper time, when almost everyone would be able to be there.  This chalk talk is called “The Shepherds’ Story.”

This past weekend we had more of an adventure.  I would like to thank all those who were praying for us on this trip – we really needed it!  We were scheduled to go to Beachburg, ON, for two events: one Saturday evening in a retirement home and the other Sunday afternoon at the local community centre.  However by the time we got to Montreal, our trailer was making funny sounds.  We investigated the problem and found that the axle had somehow slid forward a few inches and was now eating the wheel well.  We didn’t have any tools to fix the problem, and weren’t sure whether we could fix the problem even if we did have the tools.

We finally decided we had better locate a u-haul dealer.  Thanks to some mobile technology, we found that there was one only a few minutes out of our way.  We were very grateful that we didn’t have to go far to find one.  When we got there we found that they had exacty two trailers, only one of which was large enough.  We had lost some time already by starting on our way a little later than expected and trying to fix our trailer without tools and having to drive smoothly (those who know Montreal roads know that is not easy…)  So, we unloaded quickly and loaded it all into the rented u-haul.

After this adventure, we were running rather later than we had hoped, knowing that retirement home residents do not normally arrive late for special events.  Amazingly we arrived in plenty of time to set up.  Praise the Lord!  Very few of the residents were Christians, as far as I know, so I am glad that every chalk talk we do is carefully planned to contain a clear salvation message.  Hopefully, some will be receptive to the message that God has for them and respond accordingly.

After this presentation, we went to the community centre to set up for the next day.  We were quite surprised to see this glowing sign (thank you Matthew!):

There were a lot more people than I had expected to come who once again heard the good news of Jesus Christ clearly presented.  May the seed that was planted in their hearts that day sprout up and bring forth fruit.

We did have time in between to fellowship with our host family.  Thank you for your warm hospitality!  Oh, and since the chalk talk we were doing was “The Shepherds’ Story”, I thought it might be appropriate to add a picture of one of their sheep.

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.  He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.” – Isaiah 53:6-7

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