Frazer Family

Botanical Gardens

   During Daddy’s two-week of vacation earlier in July, he made time for serveral outings, one of which – the hike in the White Mountains – has already been mentioned. Another trip took place last week – a round of the Montreal Biodome and Botanical Gardens. The Biodome is a facinating place featuring flora and fauna from the tropics to the Arctic, however it focuses primarily on Quebec’s wildlife and natural habitat.

   After lunch we headed out into the botanical gardens. First we stopped by the greenhouses where we saw all kinds of unusual plants – banana trees, date trees, vanilla plants, and even some carnivorous plants.  We also spotted some “wildlife” in there – a young gerbil! It was obviously used to people and didn’t mind my picking it up to get it off the path. (It was so tame that some people were concerned that it would have someone step on it.)

  Then we began to explore the outdoor gardens. They are so spread out that it is impossible to see everything in one afternoon.

   The fish in the above picture are, believe it or not, goldfish! Yes, given a lot of space they will grow to be quite large. The little boy on the side was fascinated by them. He wanted to try touching them, but his father said, “No.” He did not heed his father’s command, however, and tried… ending up head-first in the water. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1

   Of course, in gardens for display there are sure to be flowers and where there are flowers there will certainly be photos taken. Here are just a few.

“The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.” Isaiah 40:8

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