Frazer Family

The Sacchariferous Culinary Arts

In our home, just about any excuse is a good one if the result of the undertaking is a dessert.  Well, I guess that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but we certainly do like making cakes, especially the type that has to be decorated.  So, today we decided to make an igloo cake.  After all, it is winter, and although we realise that penguins and igloos do not live in the same place, we made this cake because it was cute and because Nathanael’s birthday is coming up soon.

The snow blocks are are marshmallows cut in half.  This works well if done with a sharp knife dipped in hot water between each marshmallow.  The penguins were painstakingly made by Elizabeth out of marzipan.  The hat was added in afterwards.


Speaking of sweet treats, you may be interested in this other creation of Elizabeth’s: Apple Ciniders (Apple-Cinnamon spiders).  They were really good.  If you want the recipe, just ask.  She will probably be horrified, as I am pretty sure she didn’t write it out, but she could certainly write out a recipe that would make something similar.  Here is a sample:

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