This Christmas season has been busy for our family, but as there is not time to relate all of our comings and going up until now, I will simply give a report of the most recent concert–one at the Bulwer Community Centre in Cookshire-Eaton yesterday evening. Getting ready is always the big job. The day was filled with a dress rehearsal, packing the van, last minute preparations, etc. The evening went very well. We both played some music and did a Gospel chalk art presentation. Afterwards there was a time of fellowship and a wonderful snack the Taylor family had prepared. The people there really seemed to enjoy the evening. It is such a delight to be able to share with others that with which God has blessed us.
Because chamber music for our instruments at our varying levels of playing is hard to find, we sometimes write our own. The piece we are playing here is one Jonathan arranged.
The chalk talk is always the highlight of the evening.
Everyone was very attentive.
This evening we have another concert at the same location, but this time it will be in French. We are praying that the Lord would use us to further His Kingdom through His servants whether it be by bringing the Gospel to those who have not heard, or by encouraging those who know the Lord to press on in their walk with Him. May we be willing instruments, ready for the Master’s use!